Photo courtesy of Pixabay.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

This community opinion was contributed by resident Salvador Mora. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent BenitoLink or other affiliated contributors.

Kollin Kosmicki’s BenitoLink column on economic recovery post COVID left out one very important aspect: Jobs. With an official unemployment rate above 15% and an unofficial unemployment rate that hovers around 20%, it’s clear that our economy is going to be stuck in low gear until we can get more of our friends and neighbors earning paychecks.

[perfectpullquote align=”left” bordertop=”false” cite=”” link=”” color=”” class=”” size=””]Kosmicki is a supporter of two reckless ballot initiatives that would make it virtually impossible to expand commercial development for a generation.[/perfectpullquote]

It’s not surprising that Kosmicki didn’t talk about jobs given that his campaign platform has been enthusiastically anti-economic development. Kosmicki is a supporter of two reckless ballot initiatives that would make it virtually impossible to expand commercial development for a generation. Kosmicki’s embrace of the jobs- and sales tax-killing initiatives comes at the behest of a group of cynical elitists and outsiders who prioritize their personal comfort over getting this county on sound financial footing by creating good local jobs.

San Benito County doesn’t need leaders who tinker around the edges with tired, warmed-over ideas. We need bold leaders who will embrace reasonable and sound economic development that brings us a diverse range of jobs for people of all skill levels, enhanced sales taxes to pay for critical street and road improvements, and a much needed revenue for our cash-strapped schools and county services.

If the people of San Benito County are to achieve a brighter economic future, we will need to develop new ways of thinking and new ways of recruiting businesses and their jobs. Kosmicki’s strategy will slam the doors shut and stymie our recovery, leaving us vulnerable to the next economic disaster.