San Benito Foods. Photo by John Chadwell. Credit: d

Information provided by the City of Hollister. Lea este articulo en español aquí.

Earlier this afternoon, the City of Hollister, via the City Attorney’s Office, issued a cease-and-desist demand to Neil Jones Food Company, fictitious business name, San Benito Foods regarding the odors emanating from the industrial wastewater treatment plant leased from the City and operated by the Sunnyslope County Water District on behalf of San Benito Foods. San Benito Foods has been notified that they must immediately address and remediate their odor issue.

The City of Hollister values the quality of life of its residents and will exercise all available options to ensure that the odor issue is resolved expeditiously. We appreciate your patience as we work with San Benito Foods, Sunnyslope County Water District, and the City’s legal counsel to address the matter.