Thank you for considering an investment in the future of BenitoLink. Independent, nonprofit journalism relies on individual support. Your generosity enables us to uncover stories that will shape the future of San Benito County.

Your planned gift to BenitoLink makes you a lifetime partner of the first nonprofit digital news organization to serve a local audience—your community. Your planned gift will help ensure the future of investigative journalism in San Benito County.

Why Make a Planned Gift?

A well-planned gift can reduce or possibly eliminate long-term capital gains taxes, provide current income tax deductions, reduce possible gift taxes, or even increase your income.

To design a gift that benefits BenitoLink, we recommend that you obtain the professional counsel of an attorney who specializes in estate planning.

Ways To Give

  • Wills and Bequests

One of the easiest ways to make a future contribution to BenitoLink is through your will or trust. By naming BenitoLink in your will or trust, you can leave a legacy for the future of San Benito County.

  • Gift of Retirement Benefits

You can name BenitoLink as a beneficiary of a company pension or profit sharing plan, or of a private fund such as a 401(k) or an IRA. Donating assets from one of these plans may reduce your tax liability.

If you are 70.5 years old or older, you can give up to $100,000 from your IRA directly to a qualified charity such as ours without having to pay income taxes on the money.

  • Income Plans

Through the use of a charitable remainder trust, charitable gift annuity or pooled income fund, you may make a gift and receive life income for you and your spouse or other beneficiary.

  • Gift of Life Insurance

When you irrevocably assign a life insurance policy to BenitoLink (as sole beneficiary and owner of the policy), you will receive an income tax deduction in an amount roughly equal to the cash value at the time of the gift.

Have you already named BenitoLink in your estate or trust? Please let us know.

The information on this page is not intended as legal, tax or other professional advice. Contributions or gifts to BenitoLink are tax deductible. Our federal EIN is 501(c)(3) 47-3324907.

Prefer to mail a check? Our address is 440 San Benito Street, Hollister CA, 95023.

Need to change your monthly amount or update your credit card? Make your new payment
here and then contact us at (831) 801-1356.

There are many ways to support BenitoLink. Donate cash or make a gift of appreciated stock,
real estate, retirement assets, or insurance. Or
leave a bequest in your will. We
accept donations in the form of securities and employer matching gifts. You can also
designate BenitoLink as a beneficiary on
Amazon Smile and give directly on PayPal. For
more information, please contact Executive Director Leslie David at (831) 801-1356