Graniterock and Fireclay Tiles employees presenting check to Aromas School Principal Heather. Photo courtesy of Graniterock.
Graniterock and Fireclay Tiles employees presenting check to Aromas School Principal Heather. Photo courtesy of Graniterock.

Forced to cancel their annual Rock N Run 5K/10K benefit race due to COVID concerns, Graniterock Construction enlisted its employees, vendors and partners in a virtual Rock Out for Aromas School fundraiser. On Oct. 20, the company presented Aromas School Principal Heather Howell with a $40,000 check which will go toward the school’s athletics program.

“You could not see it because I had my mask on, but my mouth dropped open,” Howell said. “They let me know they were going to move forward with raising funds through the community foundation. He didn’t tell me at the time but they also matched the donations.”

The Aromas school has not been able to have its regular fundraisers because of COVID, so the donation filled an immediate need.

“We are stretched kind of thin,” Howell said. “Fundraising for us was always kind of a group thing like the Aromas Day parking lot get-togethers or raising money with a taco truck at back-to-school night. We have not been able to do things because of having to keep adults off campus. So we really are limited in our big-ticket fundraisers and opportunities.”

This is the second year Graniterock, which operates a quarry outside of Aromas,  hosted a virtual fundraiser after the 5K/10K run was canceled.

“Last year, when we knew we weren’t going to do Rock N Run, we called Ms. Howell and we asked them what their needs were,” said Graniterock Marketing Services Manager Keith Severson. “They told us they needed help with distance learning, specifically Chromebooks, because they didn’t have enough for all the kids. We raised money under the auspices of ‘Going the Distance,’ playing on our Rock N Run and distance learning.”

This year, the theme was “Rock Out for the Aromas School,” highlighting the school’s need for funds to continue their sports programs.

“Ms. Howell told us she needed help with outdoor activities for the students,” Severson said. “We rallied all of our regular sponsors we get for the run and it took around three weeks to raise the donations. One particular sponsor of note is Fireclay Tile, which donated $5,000 and is the second biggest donor besides Graniterock.”

Graniterock has been holding the Rock N Run event for Aromas School for 14 years. Under normal circumstances, the run takes place within the Graniterock quarry.

“It is a truly unique event,” Severson said. “Every year, by definition, the racecourse changes because we change the face of the quarry. We get about 225 runners of all age groups. We try to go about 10 deep in trophies for the kids and everyone gets a participation medal. It is a fascinating opportunity for people to see what goes on at this place that is right in their community.”

This year’s donation was a record-breaking effort by Graniterock.

“I think when I first started, they donated $10,000,” Howell said, “and it has steadily grown since then. We got $30,000 last year, which we spent on technology. But this was the largest donation we have had in my six years here.”

Howell already knows exactly what she is going to spend the money on.

“We belong to the San Benito Athletic League,” she said, “and thankfully they are up and running this year. So our middle school sports program is also up and running and we will be using the money to support that program, spending it on new uniforms, equipment, coaches, and referees, as well as things like paint for the soccer field.”

Graniterock staff, along with representatives from Fireclay Tile, arrived at the school with a giant check to give to Howell.

“There was a buzz among the staff when they arrived,” Howell said. “Oh, my gosh, it was crazy. They make the amount a big surprise so we don’t know how much it is until they give us the oversized check. Later I went into every class to distribute the T-shirts they gave us and, of course, everyone was excited and all the kids put them on immediately. We are all incredibly grateful and overwhelmed by their generosity.”


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