VFW Honor Guard member Brian Morse plays the Taps. Photo by Noe Magaña.
VFW Honor Guard member Brian Morse plays the Taps. Photo by Noe Magaña.

The Hollister VFW Post 9242 held a tribute on Aug. 29 for the 13 service members that were killed in an attack on the airport in Kabul, Afghanistan on Aug. 26. Over 30 members of the public attended. 

The five-minute ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Building in Hollister included VFW Honor Guard Bernie Ramirez naming each service member that was killed. After a name was read out loud, a resident placed a rose and a flag on an empty chair. 

The last part of the ceremony included a moment of silence and the VFW Honor Guard shooting a few rounds into the air and another member playing TAPS, a last call, on a trumpet. 

Ramirez told BenitoLink that it was important to hold the ceremony because there are a lot of veterans hurting.

“We had to step up and help heal,” Ramirez said. “I talked to a veteran who said he needed that closure.”

Ramirez continued “It did help heal a little bit. It eased the pain a little bit.”

Near the front of the building three hats representing the Army, Marines and Navy were placed on a table and separated by a pair of white gloves. There was also a candle, a folded U.S. flag and a rose on a small, clear vase. Prior to the ceremony, a gust of wind, which appeared to come out of nowhere on an otherwise hot, sunny August day, knocked the vase to the floor. It shattered into several pieces. 

To the right of the table was another tribute to the fallen soldiers. A pair of black boots and a battle helmet on top of a rifle.

After the ceremony, several residents were teary eyed as they walked away, while others stayed socializing. Among the attendees was San Benito County Board of Supervisors Bob Tiffany. 


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Noe Magaña is BenitoLink's content manager and co-editor. He began with BenitoLink as an intern and later served as a freelance reporter and staff reporter. He also experiments with videography and photography....