Local residents purchase San Benito Gold's raw, unprocessed honey both to improve their health, as well as to use as a natural sweetener.

Thomas Bray, proprietor of the popular San Benito Gold, is a second generation bee keeper who sells raw, unfiltered honey to residents in San Benito County. “My dad did it (kept bees and sold the honey) for 25 years here in Hollister and before that in Ventura,” Bray said. Four years ago when his father passed away, Bray and his brother inherited the business and continue to sell honey.

Some of the benefits that have been linked to ingesting raw, unprocessed honey include being a good source of antioxidants, healing wounds, and soothing sore throats. With flu season currently hitting San Benito County, Bray said that his business has recently doubled due to people stopping by the stand to purchase honey to soothe their or a family members’ tender throats.

One commonly linked health benefit that is controversial however, is whether or not local honey relieves seasonal allergies. In a New York Times article published May 9, 2011 titled “Eating Local Honey Cures Allergies” which shared the findings of three University of Connecticut Health Center test groups. It stated, “One group consumed a tablespoonful daily of locally collected, unpasteurized and unfiltered honey; another ate commercial honey; and a third was given a corn syrup placebo with synthetic honey flavoring.” According to the article, “The scientists found that neither of the honey groups saw improvements over the placebo group.”

Though the Mayo Clinic shared similar findings, they still stated that for some minor allergies honey may work. The Mayo Clinic’s website said, “Honey has been anecdotally reported to lessen symptoms in people with seasonal allergies. But these results haven’t been consistently duplicated in clinical studies.”

Still Bray says that he and his repeat customers swear by the honey’s healing effects. “I know it works,” Bray said, adding that some people buy honey for their dogs that also have seasonal allergies.

Personal testimonies of Bray’s repeat customers can be found giving San Benito Gold a perfect five stars on Yelp, a commonly used review website. A shared theme in all comments is the high quality and taste of the honey, as well as how it has helped relieve allergy symptoms.

Patty Ross, resident of Hollister said, “I normally have very bad allergies. This past spring I decided to try local honey. I purchased some at the farmer’s market and within days I felt my allergy symptoms subside.”

A common perception behind local, raw honey helping ease allergies is that as the bees pollinate flowers the pollen spores are transferred on to the bees themselves. When the bees return to the hive and produce honey, the pollen is then shifted into the honey. By eating local, unprocessed honey you are also eating local pollen in small doses which some believe will gradually build up an immunity to local allergens.

“People like taking bee pollen for health. My honey is full of pollen,” Bray said.

The hives in which Bray collects his honey range all throughout San Benito County on local ranches and farms, with a few hives located in Watsonville. The honey is harvested mid to late summer and goes through a simple process of removal that ends with the honey going through a screen to take out wax and other particles in the honey.

According to Bray, all the honey is straight out of the hives and unfiltered. By keeping the process simple Bray said that customers are getting, “all the benefits as mother nature intended it”.

San Benito Gold is sold at two road side locations. The first location is open Friday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is located on Fallon Road in Hollister next to the police shooting range. The second location is open Saturday and Sunday from 11 a.m. – 4 p.m. and is located at the cross section of Union Road and HWY 156. Bray also delivers in Hollister free of charge.