SJB City Hall.jpg

  Tuesday, October 15, 2013
please refer to City Council Minutes for definitive documents

1.  Call to Order
      Pledge of Allegiance
      Roll Call
Mayor Tony Boch, Vice Mayor Andy Moore, Councilmembers Robert Lund, Jolene Cosio, present. City Manager Roger Grimsley, City Attorney George Thacher, Assistant City Planner Matt Leal, Deputy Clerk Trish Paetz also present. Councilmember Edge arrived after the meeting had begun.

2.  Public Comment on Items Not on the Agenda
Wanda Guibert of the San Juan Bautista Historical Society thanked the City for the partnership in the Open House at Luck Park. She thanked the City Manager for volunteering to barbecue.They raised $5000 to donate to the City. Mayor Boch said that most of the money came from organizations, $3,400. Mayor Boch thanked the City Manager for his contribution of all of the meat and breads and everything he cooked. Guibert reported that the Barbecue did very well and the Mayor is sponsoring a year of boxes for the Mission News preservation.  Mayor Boch announced he is preserving the year, 1944 for his $30 contribution. The Society can be emailed at

Eric Gredesoff of 1108 Third Street spoke about just moving to town. He attended the Council meeting to see how things are done. He asked the city to consider creating a dog park. He noted the large amount of dog excrement he gets in his yard and asked how the City might help. He also noted having problems with speeding automobiles. He noted that a couple of times the Christopher Ranch has had parties late into the night and he has called the Sheriff’s twice about the noise. He had to call CHP rather than having his calls routed through 911. Mayor Boch noted that he could call 911 and it would be eventually routed to Santa Cruz Dispatch. Councilmember Cosio asked about the City Manager about the city’s signs about dogs.

3.  Presentations, Informational Items and Reports
A.  Presentation by Kathy Bisbee, CMAP Director Rescheduled for next month
Proclamation – Freedom Week (Freedom From Workplace Bullying)
October 2026 Freedom from Workplace Bullies week. Mayor Boch read the proclamation.
 Monthly Financial Statements – Treasurer’s Report
The City Manager commented that the first installment of the Certificates of Participation topped off at $427,000. Councilmember Cosio asked about the Firehouse construction.  The City Manager noted the cost has been about $85,000 it was estimated at $82,000 the County is contributing around $60,000.
Report accepted
Library Report
Mayor Boch said that the Library Forum is asking for participation from San Juan to look into a Library District. Councilmember Edge objected to losing control of the City Library. City Manager Grimsley suggested that it would be good to have someone participate on the group to be aware of what they want to do. Mayor Boch will attend
 Fire Chief’s Report
Chief O’Connor said there was a fire in Hollister Hills on October 5. It was controlled by CALFIRE air support and Engine No 12. He said there was good cooperation. He reported that the Fire Station construction is looking pretty good and that hopefully by the end of the month it will be ready. They will be taking an engine out of service for maintenance. The Maintenance person from Hollister came out to make sure everything is in working order. The City Manager was pleased that everything is being checked out. Captains will be rotating covering for the vacationing Captain. The Chief reported that he Water-tender had major plumbing issues and is having all of the piping re-done. They found that it was more serious than had been originally thought. He noted that is the only Water-tender for the county. There is a Water-tender at the State Park, as a back up, which is half the size of theirs. He noted that a couple of farmers have also offered their water trucks. He said there is a lot of support for the department in the city. In response to a question from Councilmember Lund about upcoming trainings, he said that “Instructor 18” is coming up as a training class for company officers. There have been no major calls. He noted construction going on in the area.
  Sheriff’s Report: Monthly Activity

Public Works Report – City Manager Grimsley
The City Manager highlighted that the Reclamation Project paperwork has to be in by Friday. All of the hardware is in. The expenditures for the project come to $94,000. The Luck Library Project the Library and Museum have been repainted and the lawn and tables have ben fixed. Councilmember Cosio asked how the donations to the Library or the Museum worked can they be made individually, or are they together. The City Manager said that they can be separated, or combined. The City Manager said the fines in the City is paying for the Salt Discharge from the Sewage effluent will not be known until the submission is looked at.
H.  Code Enforcement Report – Assistant City Planner Matt Leal
 City Planner Report – City Manager Roger Grimsley /Asst. Planner Matt Leal
Planner Matt Leal said that they are looking at Code Enforcement issues as they come along. There is a problem with a hedge which is blocking the visibility of the street. The City contacted the owner and asked them to adjust the size of the hedge. The owner has been trapping cats at the Storage facility on Church St. There was a truck which was a fire hazard and a letter was sent out to property owner. A possible abandoned truck at 4th and Muckelemi. It was determined that the truck is not abandoned, no action will be taken. Councilmember Lund asked what the limit for parking on the street and Assistant Planner Leal replied that there was none for cars. The Assistant Planner reported that the Cal Poly students came to San Juan and did inventories and assessed the properties, recorded where there is sidewalk and gutter and inputting that into a Graphic Information System. They are researching and gathering information. Mayor Boch asked if they have any sort of identification, Leal replied that they are carrying clipboards and look fairly obvious and non threatening. Mayor Boch asked if the citizens are getting involved. Councilmember Cosio asked about the progress on the Brewery construction. The City Manager noted they had to remove some of the undesirable fill. There are no other projects going on currently
 City Manager Report
    The City Manager reported that Well Number 2 was shutdown do to high nitrate levels. The City is currently vulnerable due to low water supply. The City is exploring using a well on School property and using a backup line to connect. All of the watering on the parks has been reduced. The City Manager asked the public to conserve. The well could be used in the case of a fire emergency. Well 3 is also possibly available. Each engine can pump 13-1500 gallons a minute. The reservoir is being maintained at 95% capacity. Councilmember Edge asked if the fire hydrant system is separate from the drinking water supply. In case of a fire, City Manager noted that the City could shut down everything West and fill up the tenders. The water would have to be isolated by valves so that it did not feed back into the potable water.
    The City Manager noted that the Tax-sharing agreement with the County $9,500 for annexation is too high so the groups are trying to come up with a lower figure. The staff is finding that the figure Hollister has come up with is deterrent to annexation. He said the question is “What is a reasonable fee?” Councilmember Edge asked what the Board of Supervisors would do. City Manager Grimsley said that he has been working with the staff and doesn’t know what the Board would do.
    The City Manager has looked at the replacement of the Sheriff’s vehicle after three years and asked to order the car with the Sheriff’s Department’s order to get a deal. There was discussion about the bump in the road on Hwy 129 which seems to be getting bigger. The City Manager said that it is in the City’s jurisdiction. He said they are looking at perhaps purchasing through the state. Mayor Boch noted that the cars blend in and are not noticeable. Councilmember Cosio noted that the contract is with the Sheriff’s Dept. and she thinks that they should go along with what the Sheriff’s want to do. The City Manager asked if the Council wants to bid as San Juan, or go in with others. Councilmember Edge asked what the service is to San Juan, now that there is no Deputy assigned to San Juan. The City Manager said that the Sheriff has 10 deputies to rotate. There will be more coverage on Thursday through Sunday. Councilmember Cosio said that there are times when the coverage is more needed, rather than full shifts, two hours here and 4 hours there. The City Manager thought it a good idea to let them make the decision. The Mayor suggested that the City Manager go with the multiple car bid.

Public Meetings and Committee Reports
Councilmember Cosio announced that the Neighborhood Watch meeting is Monday, Oct 21 at City Hall.Candace Hooper the District Attorney will present. AMBAG discussed the Cycle Tracks Bicycle program. Riders can go on Smart-phones and give input for bicycle routes. GIS Live-maps. Land use earthquake faults and anyone can go online and use it. AMBAG also discussed HERO, a program which will allow property owners to lower their energy costs and provide jobs for local contractors. Riverside has created a program which can be used by others. Vice Mayor Moore reported that at the Fire Committee meeting, it was determined that Fire Station #3 will probably be at the airport. The Airline Highway renaming is proceeding an agreement for mutual aid and auto-aid with CALFIRE. Chief O’Connor talked about having consistent fines for the county. Councilmember Cosio asked about Animal Control and was told that it was discussed but Animal Control was not present. Councilmember Edge reported that there was discussion at the LAFCO meeting which was an overview of LAFCO. He noted that the Director was a real catch for San Benito County, who is well respected by the LAFCO community.  Mayor Boch reported the water committee discussed how to take out nitrates from Well 3. The nitrates in Well 2 is closed down due to nitrate levels.
4.  Consent Items

Approve Affidavit of Posting Agenda
Waive Reading of Ordinances and Resolutions on Tonight’s Agenda Beyond Title
Approve Resolution 2013-XX for Street Closures (October 31 Halloween Block Party
       on Third Street)
Approve Minutes for the August 20, 2013 Regular Meeting

Item D pulled so Councilmember Edge could abstain
All approved
5.  Action Items
A.  Consider Making Loan Payment to Pavex to Reduce the Principal and Interest Rate
 Adopt Resolution 2013-32 Approving the Use of Reserve Funds to Make a Loan Payment to Pavex and Amending the Budget

The City Manager met with Pavex to reduce the interest rate, $566,000 payment of $200,000 to reduce the amount and reduce the interest  to 6% and continue with the same payment level. $7,700.31 is the monthly payment. The City Manager thought it would be a good idea to reduce the amount to save 3/4 of 1%. The savings will be almost $38,000. Transferring funds from Reserves to the Fire Department and Sewer Dept.
Resolution passed
B.  Consider Selection of City Volunteer to Recognize on Philanthropy Day
     (November 14, 2013)
Wanda Guibert and Ken Halla were considered and Wanda Guibert was nominated for City Volunteer of the year. The dinner is held at San Juan Oaks on Nov 14th at 5:30.

 Consider Selection of a Representative to the Community Choice Aggregation Project Development Advisory Committee
Brennan Jensen spoke about the Community Choice Aggregation. It is a consortium of cities and special districts to combine community aggregation to see if it might be appropriate for the community. There is a one page summary that was provided. AB117 allows local municipalities to aggregate to provide power and control where that electricity comes from. PG&E still has the majority of service. She reported that 40% of energy is lost in transmission, rather than being used, which is a tremendous loss. This has been identified as a key area that can have significant impacts. The other benefit is if the power is purchased from the aggregate  the dollars stay in the community which can increase the potential benefit. It is new to California. the Marin Energy Authority has 80,000 customers has been able to pay off it’s investment in 4 years. The local area is trying to complete an initial feasibility study. The funds are being done by individual contributions and grants. This will not impact General Funds. They are asking for the participation and support. the city can choose to provide a representative to the group, or elect to be updated. This is an official Brown Act Committee. They are requesting the city authorize the group receiving data from PG&E to see what is being used in the region to see if it is something to move forward with. There will be a larger investment necessary later. There is nothing that will essentially change to the users bill, or service. This is to provide local control of the type of energy provided. She said that 20% of renewable energy by 2020 is the goal. The objective is to provide energy production closer to home. This is a 3 County proposal with Monterey and Santa Cruz Counties. She said that there is broad support in the 3 county area. The focus is to promote rooftop solar and small project wind and other projects that the local utilities are focused on. PG&E would be more likely to rely upon fewer large  producers. The proposed study would look at the what might be feasible in this area. The Council asked to table the item until they have time to look into it and make sure that they understand it. Chris Khan of the San Benito County Chamber wanted to make sure that San Benito County has the opportunity to participate. He said that they are just looking to use the load data and participation on the committee, if they wish, is not required. He noted that PG&E gives it’s profits to shareholders and that leaves the county. Marin now has 50% renewable energy sources. The fundraising is already being done. If the city does not participate now, it will have to do it’s own feasibility study at their own cost.
Tabled for later consideration

Approve Resolution 2013-33 Creating a General Plan Advisory Committee and Appointing Members Thereto
Assistant City Planner Leal reported that the list of General Plan Committee has been balanced to reflect the community. Asst. Planner went to Anzar HIgh School to engage students in participating. He invited them to come to the first meeting.  The intention is to get one of the students on the committee. He wanted to have a broad representation of the community working with the Cal Poly Graduate students and their professor. He approached the School Board to recruit the School will be getting back with the names. He noted that the Mission and State Park were invited, but have not yet responded. Stakeholders can participate even if they are not on the committee. There is a desire to keep the committee at 12-15 members. Relevant stakeholders will be invited to specific areas of interest. Resident Richard Ponce asked to be considered to be on the committee. There was discussion about the addition of future members. The resolution was passed, including that all appropriate stakeholders are notified of the meetings.
The Community Meeting for Input into the General Plan Update is Oct 22 at the San Juan Community Center at 6:30pm.
The City Attorney suggested that this be the first meeting of the General Plan Advisory Committee and a quorum of the City Council and Planning Commission can attend as long as they don’t do city business, or they only do business which is on the agenda, or as a Special Meeting of the City Council. The City Counsel said there can not be a majority in the small group discussions.  Cal Poly will be running the meeting. The City Attorney found an exception in the Brown Act which allowed the groups to meet together.

 Request by Council Member Edge that the Council Consider Additions to the Strategic Planning Committee Membership
John Mortenson was recommended to replace Nancy Martin
6.  Discussion Items
 Announcement of a Community Meeting to Discuss the General Plan Update Project, October 22, 6:30 p.m., in the Community Center

 Consider Council Support for Senate Bill 405 – Phase Out of Single-Use Plastic Bags in California

Councilmember Edge noted that he is given plastic bags to put his plastic bag in. The City Manager noted this is about single-use plastic bags. The City Manager said that he could put this on the agenda as a resolution

 City Council
Councilmember Cosio reported the Library Event was successful. Councilmember Edge commented on getting the minutes caught up so that every month there would be only one meeting’s worth of minutes. He has gotten emails from someone about the Tax-sharing Agreement. There are 4 parcels about 49-50 acres. from southern boundary of Hollister-San juan Road. He was told he had to have the Tax Sharing agreement completed to make the application. The urban outgrowth boundary has been made. Once the LAFCO application is made the property owners upon annexation are assessed a a pro-rated share.
Veterans’ Day Parade 7:00am LULAC breakfast and 12:00 Lunch Parade.
Mayor Boch noted that the painting of City buildings has been done for an additional $2500 which he thinks is a wise decision. The Halloween Party will be on Thursday, October 31.
  City Manager
He has been asked to give input on the proposed San Juan Oaks project which includes a 200 room hotel and other elements. He wondered when the EIR for the project expires. He noted that it may have impact upon emergency access and traffic patterns. He noted that the project should require improvements of Union Road. He suggested meandering sidewalks and connecting the the commercial district and clubhouse and the business district. He asked about the water reservoir and fire station and the storm drain retention. He suggested that these comments should be part of the scoping of the project. Councilmember Cosio announced there will be a Scoping meeting October 23 at 6:00pm in the Board of Supervisors meeting.

 City Attorney
7.  Adjourn

Meeting adjourned