Photo courtesy of Pixabay.
Photo courtesy of Pixabay.

This community opinion was contributed by John E. Bessa. The opinions expressed do not necessarily represent BenitoLink or other affiliated contributors.

The strong support of public education in San Benito County is well documented by the approval of recent school bonds. The education of our students is greatly enhanced by the improvement of school facilities. Therefore, for many taxpayers the funding of schools is worth the financial burden.

In my opinion, I believe the public should be allowed greater access to schools to meet community needs, after the normal school day, and on weekends and holidays. My focus will be on the newly renovated swim center at San Benito High School.

My suggestion is to open the new swim center for increased public use on a year round basis. The swim center will be serving all age groups, from toddlers to seniors. The teaching of water safety and aquatic fitness exercises, as well as recreational swimming will be a significant benefit for the community.

The high school district administration and interested community agencies, such as the Hollister Recreation Department, YMCA and other county groups, should create a partnership for the shared use of the swim center. The San Benito High School swim center is an important asset to the residents of San Benito County. I encourage the district administration to develop a plan to incorporate greater public use of the high school facilities.