Vivian Guadalupe Sierra taking a photo at the elections' office. Photo by Noe Magana.
Vivian Guadalupe Sierra taking a photo at the elections' office. Photo by Noe Magana.

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Taylor Farms continues to play a key role in BenitoLink’s popular skill-building internship program. BenitoLink is a nonprofit organization, providing news to San Benito County. 

As BenitoLink heads into the summer season, the team is busy reviewing internship applications for its busiest time of year. BenitoLink has run a year-round internship program for several years and has Taylor Farms along with Monterey Peninsula Foundation/ATT Golf Tour to thank for its continued success. 

Students are out of school for summer break and this is the time the local nonprofit news organization can take on the largest group of interns. One position is full-time and others range from 10-20 hours a week. College-level interns are paid and high school level interns can get stipends or credits based on their needs. 

Taylor Farms, the Monterey Peninsula Foundation/ATT Golf Tour, United for San Benito and Emma Bowen Foundation have helped many young students develop employable skills through our Marketing & Graphics, Reporting & Photography/Videography, Computer Developer, Research & Data  and Admin internship positions.

“Interning for BenitoLink is far more than a professional journey—it’s a gateway for community connection,” said previous marketing intern Vivian Guadalupe Sierra. “My internship has been nothing short of amazing! It’s exposed me to the pulse of local happenings and has allowed me to actively contribute to narrating such valuable information.”

Sierra is now the Marketing Coordinator for the Central Coast YMCA.

“Summer is an exciting and fun time in the newsroom because we reach a peak level of interns and they have a chance to work with the whole BenitoLink team on a weekly basis. We love hearing about their interests and enjoy giving them the opportunity to follow their curiosity and learn about their community,” said BenitoLink executive director Leslie David. 

Another piece of good news is BenitoLink’s new location in the center of downtown Hollister. The new building gives the newsroom its own separate space and will give everyone enough room to work. The new office is located at 615 San Benito St. Suite 201, right above San Benito Bene, a shop that sells locally made products. To learn more about internship positions that may still be available, contact Mo Ismail or Noe Magaña  

We need your help. Support local, nonprofit news! BenitoLink is a nonprofit news website that reports on San Benito County. Our team is committed to this community and providing essential, accurate information to our fellow residents. It is expensive to produce local news and community support is what keeps the news flowing. Please consider supporting BenitoLink, San Benito County’s public service, nonprofit news.