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BenitoLink has just wrapped up another week of Pledge of Champions, our major fall fundraiser. As we work toward our goal of $38,000, which we have the chance to match thanks to NewsMatch and the Community Foundation for San Benito County, we celebrate our current achievement of $9,015.

We gratefully thank all our wonderful donors and sponsors whose support ensures that BenitoLink keeps producing articles and informing the whole community.

But since the days of Walter Cronkite and even Saturday Night Live, the world of media has changed drastically and it is logical to ask, why should I pay for news?

Why would you pay for news, when you can read about anything on Facebook, Google or a national feed that wraps up the world news in a neat little package designed just for you?

If it is Facebook you gravitate to, stories might range from a garage sale just down the street to comments about gunshots heard somewhere last night or odd announcements coming from an elected leader.

But what really happened? Do you have enough information to understand the background behind an incident?  Was the video clip you watched actually 20 minutes long and you just caught the last five seconds of it? How do you know what you are really seeing or reading and who stands behind it?

That is what makes BenitoLink different. Everyone who writes for BenitoLink is approachable and is willing to answer your questions. We’re real people, accountable to you and focused on serving San Benito County.

Instead of thinking of it as paying for news, maybe it is more accurate to think of it as taking part in keeping yourself and your community well informed.

Support your local online news. It is here to serve you. Your donation makes sure those carefully and thoughtfully prepared reports are there for everyone to read each day.